Interspecies Massage Therapy
What Is Animal Massage Therapy?
Animal Massage Therapy is an experiential interaction that involves awakening clients and horses/other animals in relationship to deeper consciousness within the Self and with each other. This type of inter-species therapy allows us to better identify patterns and/or behaviors that are no longer helpful in our lives.The goal is for the client to develop skills such as responsibility, problem-solving, positive self-image, and emotional balance. Animal Therapy can help one to find better grounding and healthier relationships in life.
In regards to those special animals in your life, animal therapy can reduce stress, improve performance and resolve pain issues with some immediate results. Recently, I studied with the renown Linda Tellington-Jones in how to work with dogs in particular. I found the class to be uplifting and very harmonious in bringing clearer understanding between our dogs responses to how they are feeling and also in relationship to other animals and people around them. Often when a dog reacts “negatively” it may because he is afraid. Often aggression or other defensive measures are a sign of fear. Questioning how to reduce that fear and using some of the techniques that Tellington TTouch® offers may significantly reduce stress and bring more balance into the situation. I’d like to introduce the work here below in case you are interested in learning more:
In case your interest is primarily in horses:
Sharon Hartnett LMT, licensed Massage Therapist is coordinating with equine instructors and other animal therapists for future work between animals and clients. A labyrinth and obstacle course will be set up to help provide more structure for dogs. Animal sessions are free at the moment as this project and education unfold. To be clear, extra time is afforded at no cost to those who are doing bodywork sessions at the Johnstown location. Sharon has past experience with dolphin therapy through the Upledger Institute and working at a Big Cat Sanctuary with Integrative Intentions. Her hope is to bring the many benefits of inter-species healing relationships to Lighten Up Therapies.
If you are interested in building a dream of therapy for children, people with inner challenges or to help bring groups of people together, please give us a call as we are just starting out at ground zero with a dream. We are in the process of talking and bringing people together. We have the stables, we are training further and building the structures to make this happen. We just need people who want to work together and bring their gives to create a therapeutic environment that focuses on people and our relationships to our friends: dogs, cats, horses, birds and all other of God’s creatures.
Call Sharon Hartnett if you are interested at 703 509-1792